About - Web Site ETT S.r.l. Automation Systems

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ETT S.r.l. - Automation Systems
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The Company
Starting as an individual company, ETT S.r.l. has been operating since 1995 for the development and construction of electrical equipment mainly dedicated to the industrial automation field for production and process plants.

The experience gained in the design and execution of electrical control boards for various industrial sectors allows us to examine and develop multiple applications in a serious and flexible way using methods and materials characterized by continuous technological updating.

Our specific experiences rely on realisations of control-command equipment for plastic processing machinery, tannery machinery, purification plants, smoke extraction systems, woodworking machines, tool and moulding machines, ovens and electrical and gas thermoregulation plants, in addition to the production of distribution panels in civil field.

The company operates in a 500 sqm site and is located in Cuorgnè, about 40 kilometres north of Turin, in Italy.

“Our mission: Listening, Analysis and Planning”
Design and realisation of electrical panels,
wiring on-board,
software design and development,
service and maintenance,
Industry 4.0
ETT S.r.l.
Reg. Imprese di Torino | REA N.: TO-1245772 | Cap. Soc. € 10.000 i.v.
2023 © Copyright ETT s.r.l. | All rights reserved
ETT s.r.l. | Via Galimberti, 6/c
10082 Cuorgné (TO) - ITALY
P.IVA/C.F.  IT11848510019
+39 0124 650600
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Reg. Imprese di Torino | REA N.: TO-1245772
Cap. Soc. € 10.000 i.v.
2023 © Copyright ETT s.r.l. | All rights reserved
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